The intention of this page is to show you the beautiful artistry of Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel and how it influenced the production of some extremely nice postcards and soon after the creation of the endearing earthenware figurines. Sister Hummel’s pictures brought the world a little closer together in how well she captured the innocent little expressions of children transferred to paper and canvas.
Before entering the convent in 1931, Berta Hummel created more than 600 sketches we are now able to document. These pictures are primarily owned by her uncle Alfred Hummel and other members of her family. About 160 of these were available to be viewed at the Berta Hummel Museum in Germany before it closed. These early pictures for the pre-convent works are owned exclusively by the Berta-Hummel-Art-Administration KG, Massing, Germany.
An approximate date can be made of the pictures by the way she signed them. Early pictures are signed Bertl Hummel, B. Hummel or B.H. and sometimes there is no signature. After she changed her name for the Sießen Convent works in 1933, she signed her name M.I. Hummel or just Hummel.
In 1933, the convent sent about 30 sketches of sister M.I. Hummel to the publishers Ars Sacra in Munich for the purpose of creating post cards of each. In a second period from 1935 to 1937, sister Hummel had personal contact with the publishers as well as Maximiliane Möller from Munich. The majority of her sketches were in a format of 40 x 60 cm (15¾ x 23½ inches) and others in a smaller size of 18 x 26.5 cm (7.1 x 10.4 inches). These pictures were registered with a numbering system from H 101 to H 865 of which some may be seen following. Copyrights for the artworks created during her stay at the convent belong exclusively to the Convent of Sießen.
The original sketches are highly collectible and the prices can vary widely depending on the rarity and condition of the particular piece. Her original paintings and sketches are sought after by collectors, and can fetch anywhere from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars at auction or through private sales. It is said that some of her most famous works, such as “The Merry Wanderer” and “Apple Tree Girl,” are the most desirable among collectors.
The following grouping of nine pictures includes examples of some of the original art that became available for public purchase. There were a number of museums with these collections among which was one in New Braunfels, Texas which housed the world’s largest collection of original pictures by the artist as well as the Hummel-Saal in Sießen, Germany. The Texas museum began its collection with the Jacques Nauer family of Switzerland who owned 280 originals. The Nauer family are the successors of the family Josef and Maximiliane Möller who were editors in Munich. Sieglinde Schoen Smith convinced the family in 1992 that a museum would be a better place to house these originals instead of being held in crates and thus, they were placed on loan to the Hummel Museum in New Braunfels. The museum had, at one point, 350 original sketches and drawings before it also had to close.
This page was updated on 28 August 2024.
Original Artwork Sold
This original art was sold on 27 September 2008 by Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen in Pforzheim, Germany. It was described as, “Hummel, Berta: (1909 Messing – Kloster Sießen 1946) zugeschrieben. “Guten Morgen”. Aquarell. 4°. Unter Glas gerahmt (nicht ausgerahmt). – Tls. leicht stockfleckig. :” Translated in English, “Hummel, Berta: (1909 Brass – Siessen Monastery 1946) attributed. “Good morning”. Watercolor. 4°. Framed under glass (not unframed). – Tls. slightly foxed. :“. The amount it sold for was not disclosed. This artwork was used to create HUM 137 A – Child in Bed, Wall Plaque (Child looking left) by master sculptor Arthur Möeller in 1940.
This original art was sold on 27 September 2008 by Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen in Pforzheim, Germany. It was described as, “Hummel, Berta: (1909 Messing – Kloster Sießen 1946) zugeschrieben. “Das Ungeheuer”. Aquarell. 4°. Unter Glas gerahmt (nicht ausgerahmt). – Tls. leicht stockfleckig. :”. Translated in English, “Hummel, Berta: (1909 Brass – SießenMonastery 1946) attributed. “The monster”. Watercolor. 4°. Framed under glass (not unframed). – Tls. slightly foxed. :“. The amount it sold for was not disclosed. This artwork was used to create HUM 137 B – Child in Bed, Wall Plaque (Child looking right) by master sculptor Arthur Möeller in 1940.
This piece of pastel chalk artwork had an estimated preauction value of CHF1,000 – CHF1,600 and was sold on 27 November 2014 by Galerie Fischer Auktionen AG in Lucerne, CH. It is described as, “MARIA INNOCENTIA HUMMEL, Massing 1909-1946 Siessen, Hab Sonne im Herzen (…), Unten rechtssigniert “Hummel”, unten bezeichnet “Hab Sonne im Herzen ob’s stürmt oder schneit, ob der Himmel vollWolken, die Erde voll Streit”., Pastellkreide, partiell weiss gehöht, auf Papier, BG 46,8 x 66 cm, gerahmt,” Translated into English, “MARIA INNOCENTIA HUMMEL, Massing 1909-1946 Siessen, Have sun in my heart (…), Signed “Hummel” lower right, inscribed below “Have sun in my heart whether it’s stormy or snowing, whether the sky is full of clouds, the earth is full of strife”., Pastel chalk, partially heightened with white, on paper, size 46.8 x 66 cm, framed,“. This artwork was used to create HUM 408 – Smiling Through by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek in 1983.
Entitled, “Dreaming Boy”, this piece had an estimated preauction value of CHF1,000 – CHF1,600. It sold for an undisclosed price on 27 November 2014 by Galerie Fischer Auktionen AG in Lucerne, Switzerland. It is described as, “MARIA INNOCENTIA HUMMEL, Massing 1909-1946 Siessen, Träumender Bub, Unten rechts signiert “Hummel”., Pastellkreide auf Papier, LM 41,5 x 50 cm, in Passepartout, gerahmt,”. Translated in English, “MARIA INNOCENTIA HUMMEL, Massing 1909-1946 Siessen, dreaming boy, signed “Hummel” lower right, pastel chalk on paper, LM 41.5 x 50 cm, in passe-partout, framed,“. This artwork was used to create HUM 612 – Lazy Bones in 2002.
Although this next sketch was not currently available, I wanted to include information on this artwork in the listing just in case it should show up. The piece was sold for €320 on 22 September 2018 by Bolland-Marotz in Bremen, Germany. It is described as, “Hummel, Berta. 1909 Massing/Niederbayern – 1946 Kloster Sießen. Die Gänsemagd. Kohle u. Gouache. Signiert u. re. Hummel. 37,5 x 22,5 cm / hinter Glas ger. 41 x 31 cm, ungeöffn.” Translated in English, “Hummel, Berta. 1909 Massing/Lower Bavaria – 1946 Siessen Monastery. The goosemaid. Charcoal and gouache. Signed lower right. Hummel. 37.5 x 22.5 cm / behind glass 41 x 31 cm, unopened.” This was designated as Lot #1671. This artwork was used to create HUM 47 – Goose Girl by master sculptor Arthur Möeller in 1936.
A quick sketch of a little boy asleep with his toy puppet is shown here. With an estimated preauction value of £200 – £300, this sketch was passed over when offered on 20 September 2020 by Sworders in Stansted Mountfitchet, United Kingdom. It was described as, “Bertha (sic) Maria Innocentia Hummel (German, 1909-1946) Bertha (sic) Maria Innocentia Hummel (German, 1909-1946) A sleeping child with ‘Punch’ Signed l.r., watercolour 33 x 25cm”. This artwork was used to create HUM 451 – Just Dozing by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek in 1984.
These next two original pastel pieces of artwork by Berta Hummel were purchased by Donald Deeks and auctioned off on 16 January 2021 for a total of $2,750. They are both signed in the lower right corner and are 16 inches wide by 22 inches tall. The titles of these two are in German at the bottom and are translated as, “A Bird Came Flying Along” and “I Could Care Less Whether I Have Gold or None.” These two items of artwork possibly were used to create HUM 63 – Singing Lesson by master sculptor Arthur Möeller, HUM 413 – Whistler’s Duet and HUM 69 – Happy Pastime by Arthur Möeller in 1937, HUM 414 – In Tune by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek in 1979.

Another of Berta Hummel’s original drawings from 1930 was available at auction on 25 June 2016 by Peter Karbstein – Kunst und Auktionshaus in Düsseldorf, Germany with an estimated preauction value of €600 – €700. It was described as, “1909 Massing – 1946 Kloster Sießen Standing boy with cactus Watercolor on paper, about 1930; H 264 mm, W 184 mm Berta Hummel, 1909 Massing – 1946 Kloster Sießen Deutsche Zeichnerin und Malerin; Weltweit berühmt wurde sie durch ihre Kinderbilder und die nach ihren Entwürfen gefertigten Hummel-Figuren aus Keramik. Stehender Knabe vor Kaktus Aquarell auf Papier, um 1930; H 264 mm, B 184 mm, Hummel, Berta.” Translated into English is the following, “1909 Massing – 1946 Sießen Monastery Standing boy with cactus Watercolor on paper, about 1930; H 264 mm, W 184 mm Berta Hummel, 1909 Massing – 1946 Sießen Monastery German draftswoman and painter; She became famous worldwide through her children’s pictures and the ceramic Hummel figurines made according to her designs. Standing boy in front of a cactus Watercolor on paper, around 1930; H 264mm, W 184mm.”
It was again offered on 7 October 2017 by Peter Karbstein – Kunst und Auktionshause in Dusseldorf, Germany with an estimated preauction value of between €450 – €550 but was passed over. This artwork was used to create HUM 314 – Confidentially by master sculptor Horst Ashermann in 1955.
This very same watercolor on paper came up later for auction in Cologne, Germany with an estimated pre-auction value of 550 EUR on 26 August 2022 and was sold after eleven bids for the reserved price of 400 EUR ($398.57). This piece was described as ‘Stehender Knabe vor Kaktus’ translated to ‘Standing boy in front of a cactus’. You may recognize it as the sketch used to create HUM 314 – Confidentially. The watercolor sketch is relatively small, measuring only 26.5 cm x 18 cm or 10.4 inches x 7.1 inches, the size of many of Sister M.I. Hummel’s sketches. Not all of the earlier sketches were signed by Berta Hummel as is the case of this item. Notice in the two associated images the differences between the original sketch (left) and the postcard (right) indicating a possible enhancement on the postcard to bring out the colors and contrast more vividly. The German word at the bottom of the card, ZWIEGESPRACH, translates to the word “dialog” in English.
As of Saturday, 24 August 2024, a recent acquisition was made of a copy of the sketch of the HUM 322 – Apothecary (Pharmacist) from the Auktionshuset Thörner & Ek in Sweden. The estimated purchase price was 47 EUR but sold for the single bid of only 24 EUR. A date of 1/1/1939 was shown on the backside of the sketch. The image dimensions were recorded as approx. 96 x 66 cm.
These are just ten examples of her original artwork that have made their way into private collections. I also learned that when the Goebel archives was sold that there was a large collection of her artwork included with the figurines. Keep your eyes open as there may be another available at auction or you may even find an original at a thrift shop or yard sale. Miracles do happen!
Example of Sketches
In 1933, at the age of 24, Berta Hummel and the Sießen Convent signed an agreement with the publisher of Ars Sacra in Munich. By 1937, the “Hummel postcards” had been outlawed by the Nazi regime. The following is a partial list of the many works that Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel created which were made into the popular postcards and thereafter the M.I. Hummel figurines. The following images are listed these in the order of their “H number” which was assigned to works of art that Sister Hummel created during her stay in the Convent. These pictures were registered with a numbering system from H 101 to H 828 of which some may be seen following.
H 126
She Loves Me? (card number 5791) with the German title Glücksklee was created in pencil and water colors in 1940-1941 as the inspiration for several figurines beginning with HUM 174 – She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not created by master sculptor Arthur Möller in 1945. Other figurines included HUM 227 – a lamp by Arthur Möller in 1953, HUM 251 B – a bookend by Gerhard Skrobek in 1960, HUM 678 – a candleholder by Helmut Fischer in 1988, HUM 687 – a trinket box by Helmut Fischer, HUM 704 – 1982 annual bell, and HUM 864 – a miniature bell by Helmut Fischer in 1999.
H 127
He Loves Me? (card number 5790) with the German title Er liebt mich? was created in pencil and water colors in 1940-1941 and produced on a Josef Mueller, Munich card #5790 from Ars Sacra. There is a perforated dish and a cross stitch kit with the same picture.
H 128
Daisy (card number 5795) with the German title Mädchen mit Margariten was created in pencil and water colors in 1940-1941.
H 130
Lilly of the Valley (card number 5792) with the German title Maiglöckchen was created in pencil and water colors in 1940-1941.
H 131
Buttercup (card number 5794) with the German title Was giebts da zu lachen? literally translated as What is there to laugh about? was created in pencil and water colors in 1940-1941 as a possible inspiration for HUM 405 – Sing with Me? by Gerhard Skrobek in 1973 with the little girl looking up at a crow perched on a fence post.
H 132
Dandelion (card number 5793) with the German title Pusteblume was created in pencil and water colors in 1940-1941.
H 158
Retreat to Safety (card number 4782) with the German title Der Held drawn in charcoal and pastel in 1934 is shown in the Ars sacra postcard #4782 and the figurine HUM 201 – Retreat to Safety by Reinhold Unger in 1948.
H 162
Summertime (card number 5894) with the German title Gute Erholung ! shown with the Ars postcard #5894 and the figurine HUM 316 – Relaxation, a 25-Year M.I. Hummel Club Exclusive created by master sculptor Karl Wagner in 1955.
H 166
The Golden Rule (card number 4775) with the German title Quäle nie ein Tier zum Scherz drawn in 1932-1934 with charcoal and pastel as shown with the Ars Sacra postcard #4775 and Bildchen #9337.
H 170
Girl With Sheet Music with the German title Singendes Mädchen mit Notenblatt as seen with the Ars Sacra postcard #62.11170 and the ceramic postcard of the same drawing.
H 171
The Tuba Player with the German title Der grosse Bass as shown with the Ars Sacra postcard 62.1171 and reflected with the figurine HUM 437 – Tuba Player by Gerhard Skrobek designed in 1982.
H 204
Ring Around the Rosie (card number 5619 and 621204) with the German title Ringelreihen was created in charcoal and pastel in 1939 with six separate but similar figurines originating from this one drawing. The larger is HUM 348 with the same name Ring Around The Rosie with all four girls dancing sculpted by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek in 1957, HUM 353 – Spring Dance with two of the four girls as a combined effort by several sculptors in 1962 and then each individual girl as HUM 912/A – Spring Time (Vroni) – M.I. Hummel Club Exclusive, HUM 912/B – Spring Waltz (Liesl) – 2007/2008 M.I. Hummel Club Exclusive, HUM 912/C – Spring Love (Zensi) – M.I. Hummel Club Exclusive and HUM 912/D – Spring Fancy (Rosi) – M.I. Hummel Club Exclusive.
H 244
The Waiter (card number 5771) with the German title “hab’ die Ehre” written at the foot of the drawing translates to “I Have the Honors” is drawn in charcoal and pastel in 1939. The postcard is from Verlag Josef Mueller #5771 and presented as the figurine HUM 154 – The Waiter by master sculptor Arthur Möller in 1943.
H 254
Confidentially (card number 5555 and 621254) with the German title Zweigesprach written at the bottom of the post card but not the sketch. The postcard is from Verlag Josef Mueller designated as #5555 and is represented by the figurine HUM 314 – Confidentially created by master sculptor Horst Ashermann in 1955 and later introduced to the public in 1972.
H 313
The Work is Done (card number 5774 and 621313) with the German title Feierabend.
H 314
Homeward Bound with the German title Heimkehr on the postcard Ars #5773.
H 316
Winter Fun (card number 5898 and 621316) with the German title Fahrt in die Weihnacht with the Ars postcard #5898 was the subject for the figurine HUM 396 – Ride Into Christmas as designed by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek in 1971.
H 318
Letter to Santa with the German title Brief an’s Christkind with the Ars Sacra #14266. The figurine modeled from this is HUM 340 – Letter to Santa modeled by master sculptors Helmut Wehlte in 1956 and then remodeled by Gerhard Skrobek in 1970. (no photo)
H 331
Blue Heart Baby, (card number 14305) with the German title Viel Gluck! /III, using color pencils on the size of a postcard.
H 332
Red Heart Baby, (card number 14304) with the German title Viel Gluck!, using color pencils on the size of a postcard.
H 333
This Heart is Mine, (card number 5434 and 621333) with the German title Valentine Bub, created on October 11, 1938 in oil on canvas covered cardboard.
H 334
Catch my Heart, (card number 5435 and 14798) with the German title Valentine, Mädchen also created on October 11, 1938 in oil on canvas covered cardboard.
H 335
I Like You! Boy (card number 5939 and 621335) with the German title I’ hab di gern, Bub reproduced by Sister M. Laura Brugger in 1955. This was used by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek for the figurine HUM 399 – Valentine Gift in 1973 and used as the fourth M.I. Hummel Club Exclusive gift in 1980.
H 336
I Like You! Girl (card number 5940 adn 621336) with the German title I’ hab di gern, Mädchen reproduced by Sister M. Laura Brugger in 1955. This was used by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek for the figurine HUM 384 – Valentine Gift in 1967 and used ten years later as the first M.I. Hummel Club Exclusive gift.
H 374
Child with May-wreath (card number 5675 and 621374) with the German title Kind mit Maikranz with the same colors as H 204 but represented by figurine HUM 791 – May Dance which was sculpted by Helmut Fischer in 1994.
H 381
And One Makes a Dozen (card number 5334 and 621381) with the German title Der Festags-Strauss drawn in 1937-1938 in charcoal and pastel shown on postcard Ars Sacra # 62.1381, Bildchen Ars Sacra #974 represented by the figurine HUM 257 – For Mother as a collective effort in 1962.
H 384
Praise to God (card number 4493 and 5504) with the German title Ostersonntag translated to Easter Sunday which is a mate or a pair to H 652 following.
H 387
Who has the Sweetest Lamb? (card number 15044) with the German title Wer hat die schönsten Schäfchen? done in colored pencils.
H 388
Life is a Treasure, (card number 15045) with the German title Freut euch des Lebens, in color pencil.
H 389
Sunshine (card number 15046) with the German title O, Sonnenschein done in color pencils as translated by Gerhard Skrobek in 1984 with the figurine HUM 455 – The Guardian.
H 411
Angel Duet (card number 5259, 5416, 14074 and 621411) with the German title O, du Froehliche was created in charcoal pastel in 1937-1938 and shown with Ars Sacra postcards #5416 and #62.1411 with master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek modeling HUM 193 – Angel Duet in 1968 and HUM 261 – Angel.
H 412
Candle light (card number 5260 and 621412) with the German title Das Licht der Nacht with Ars Sacra postcards #5415, #5260 and #62.1412. The figurine HUM 192 – Candlelight is created by master sculptor Reinhold Unger soon after in 1948.
H 423
Angelic Sleep (card number F 211) with the German title Zur Ruhe singendes Engelein with Fink Verlag Stuttgart postcard #211 showing this and the figurine HUM 25 – Angelic Sleep was modeled by master sculptors Arthur Möeller and Reinhold Unger in 1935.
H 424
Lute Playing Cherub (card number F 212) is shown by Fink Verlag Stuttgart postcard #212 with the figurine HUM 24 – Lullaby by Reinhold Unger in 1935 and HUM 262 – Heavenly Lullaby with the German title Laute spielendes Englein by Gerhard Skrobek in 1968.
H 431
Christmas Angel (card number 14124 and 621431) with the German title Engel mit Adventskranz in colored pencils.
H 432
Little Gabriel with the German title Engel mit Trompete with colored pencils, a copy by Sister Laura Brugger.
H 433
Angel with Deer (card number 14126 and 621433) with the German title Engel mit Reh with color pencils.
H 434
Prayer of Adoration (card number 14127 and 621434) with the German title Die Freude der Weihnacht in colored pencils.
H 453
Guiding Light (card number 5258, 5417 and 621453) with the German title Viel Glueck und Segen was created in charcoal pastel in 1937-1938. Verlag Ars Sacra postcards #5417 and #62.1453 show this and in 1956, master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek modeled figurine HUM 343 – Christmas Song from this sketch. (no photo)
H 466
Poppy and Cornflowers with the German title Klatschmohn und Cornblumen drawn between 1934-1944 in charcoal and pastel.
H 467
Columbine With Bumblebee with the German title Akelei mit Hummel drawn in 1943-1944 with lead pencil, color pencils, watercolor and opaque white paint.
H 472
The Old Shepherd (card number 14675) with the German title Hirt an der Krippe as part of the series of the Little Americans using only red and blue color pencils on white paper.
H 473
The Wise Men (card number 14676) with the German title Die Heiligen drei Könige as part of the series of the Little Americans using only red and blue color pencils on white paper.
H 483
Merry Christmas (card number 5605 and 5574) with the German title Froehliche Weihnachten as seen in Ars postcard #5575, #5605 and Bildchen #9541. All of the Nativity figurines of the series HUM 214 and HUM 260 were taken from drawings created in charcoal and pastel around the years 1938-1939. The camels are not actually M.I. Hummel figurines as Sister Hummel never drew camels.
H 491
For all Men (card number 5611, 14904 and 621491) with the German title Friede den Menschen auf Erden literally translated as Peace all Men on Earth with postcard Ars #5611, Bilden 9539 where several angel figurines were created from this as a model.
H 529
Nativity (card number 5111) with the German title Und hat ein Bluemlein bracht created in pencil, colored pencil and opaque white paint on non-gloss transparent paper with the postcard Ars #5111. (no photo)
H 536
Virgin and Child (card number 14674) with the German title Weihnacht representing the series of the little Americans using only red and blue color pencils on white paper. (no photo)
H 615
Crossroads (card number 5380, 14411, 5551 and 621615) with the German title Drei Wanderburschen literally translated is Three Hiking Boys. The artwork was created in 1938-1939 as an oil painting. Two of the postcards are Verlag Josef Mueller, Muenchen #5380 and Ars Edition, Munich #62.1615. The figurines created from this were Hum 331 – Crossroads by Arthur Möller in 1955, HUM 331 – Crossroads Limited Edition in 1990, HUM 787 – Traveling Trio by Helmut Fischer in 1995, HUM 829 – Where to Go? by Helmut Fischer in 1999 and HUM 927 – Three Little Wanderers by Marion Huschka in 2018.
H 617
Post Coach (card number 5549) with the German title Trari, trara Post was created in 1938-1939 in charcoal and pastel reflected by postcard Verlag Ars Sacra Josef Mueller, Muenchen #5549, Bildchen Ars Sacra #9803. The figurines are HUM 226 – Mail is Here and the wall plaque Hum 140.
H 624
Gift Bearers (card number 4532) with the German title Beim Christkindlein was drawn early on in 1932-1933 as Ars postcard #4529 has two figurines created from this: HUM 421 – It’s Cold and HUM 423 – Horse Trainer by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek in 1981 and 1980 respectively.
H 626
A gift for Jesus (card number 4529) with the German title Jesus ist mein Bruder actually translated as Jesus is my Brother shown by Ars postcard #4532 had two figurines created: HUM 422 – What Now? and HUM 424 – Sleep Tight both by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek in 1981 and 1980 respectively.
H 627
Oh Dearest Infant Jesus (card number 4531) with the German title O Du liebes Jesulein was drawn in 1932-1933 demonstrated by Ars postcard #4531 resulted in one of the more famous figurines by master sculptor Arthur Möeller in 1935 HUM 31 – Silent Night, with Black Child as well as HUM 54 – Silent Night, candle holder by Reinhold Unger in 1936. Master sculptor Helmut Fischer created HUM 754 – We Come in Peace in 1993 from this sketch as well.
H 651
St. Francis (card number 4442) with the German title Heiliger Franziscus with the Ars Sacra postcard #4442 and Bildchen #11192.
H 652
Good Friday (card number 4492) with the German title Karfreitag created in charcoal and pastel in 1933 with postcards Ars Sacra Verlag Josef Mueller, Munchen #4492, #4525 and Bilchen #3809 with master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek creating figurine HUM 622 – Light Up The Night in 1990.
H 655
Volunteers (card number 4648) with the German title Lieb’Faterland magst ruhig sein! or translated in English, Dear Fatherland, May You be at Peace which was written at the foot of the drawing. She created this piece of art some time between 1933 and 1935 in charcoal and pastel and came under scrutiny in a March 20, 1937 newspaper article. (no photo)
H 664
October (card number 4931) with the German title Oktober drawn in 1935 in charcoal and pastel with the Ars Sacra postcard #4931 and Bildchen #9102.
H 666
It Is Finished (card number 5064) with the German title Es ist Vollbracht! drawn in 1935-1936 with charcoal and pastel on canvas covered cardboard as shown in Ars Sacra postcard #5064 and Bildchen #9200.
H 668
Divine Love, (card number 5071) with the German title Göttliche Liebe drawn in 1936 with oils on canvas reflected by Ars Sacra postcard #5102. An oil painting of Christ after the resurrection holding His heart to Saint Thomas to show that He had risen from the dead completed on March 25, 1936.
H 669
Mother of Us All (card number 5094) with the German title Unser Aller Mutter created in pencil, colored pencils, opaque white paint on white drawing paper in 1936 as shown with Ars postcard #5110 or Ars Bildchen #9117.
H 670
Francis of Assisi (card number 5174) with the German title Hl. Franziskus von Assisi as shown in the Ars Sacra postcard #5174 and Bildchen #9647.
H 671
Mother of the Savior (card number 5336) with the German title Mutter des Erlösers drawn in 1938 as oil on canvas reproduced as the Ars Sacra postcard #5336, Bildchen #9496, whole triptych Ars Sacra postcard #5337. This canvas is the center piece of an altarpiece.
H 673
St. Francis at the Crib (card number 5791) 5489with the German title Hl. Franziskus mit Krippenkind drawn in 1934 with charcoal and pastel as shown with Ars Sacra postcard #5428 and Bildchen #11194.
H 674
Mother of the Creator (card number 5490) with the German title Mutter des Schöpfers drawn in 1937-1939 in charcoal and pastel and reproduced on the Ars Sacra postcard #5489.
H 675
Saint Joseph with the German title Sankt Josef with the devotional picture, Bilchen #9646.
H 678
Mary in Mourning (card number 5682) with the German title Die Schmerzensmutter drawn in 1938-1939 in charcoal and pastel and colored pencil as reflected with the Ars Sacra postcard #5682.
H 679
Mother’s Joy (card number 5821 and 14098) with the German title Müttergluck drawn in 1939 in charcoal and pastel as reflected by the Ars Sacra postcard #5821 and Bildchen #9722 and #10794.
H 683
The Lord Is My Shepherd (card number 14493) with the German title Guter Hirte drawn in 1933-1934 in charcoal and pastel.
H 700
Pet-loving (card number 621700) with the German title Tierliebe shown in Ars Edition postcard #62.1700 with master sculptor Reinhold Unger creating HUM 136 – Friends in 1940.
H 707
Madonna of the Missions (card number 3124) with the German title MissionsMadonna was drawn in 1932-1933 using charcoal and pastel with the HUM 855 – Millennium Madonna being rendered by master sculptor Helmut Fischer in the year 2000. She signed an unusual signature of B. Hummel on the left side and on the right added the word Sießen. (no photo)
H 811
Bouquet With Columbines with the German title Blumenstrauss mit Akelei drawn in 1932-1933 with lead pencil, color pencils, watercolor and opaque white paint on grey paper.
H 812
Bouquet Of Meadow Flowers with the German title Wiesenblumenstrauss drawn in 1933 with a lead pencil, color pencils, watercolor and opaque white paint on grey paper.
H 827
Girl shaking Tree with the German title Mädchen schüttelt Baum is one of only two drawings using colored ink in this series.
H 828
Jesus in the Manger, with Angel with the German title Jesus in der Krippe, mit Engel is the other of only two drawings using colored ink in this series.
H 832
Child in the Manger with the German title Krippenkind/II representing the series of the little Americans using only red and blue color pencils on white paper.
H 833
Angel With Music Stand Conducting drawn in colored pencils represented with the figurine HUM 169 – Bird Duet by Arthur Möller in 1945.
H 834
Angel Blowing Horn, Lantern on Right with the German title Engel blast Horn, rechts Laterne drawn in colored pencils represented somewhat by HUM 480 – Hosanna by Gerhard Skrobek in 1987.
H 865
Dr. Herbert Dubler, portrait of co-manager of Ars Sacra with charcoal and pastel on white drawing paper drawn about 1940. Dr. Dubler lived from 1895 to 1970 and was a manager of Ars Sacra from 1944 to 1967.
Editors Note: Any corrections you wish to bring to my attention are most welcome considering how much information has been added to this page.
Hummel, B. (1939). Hui, die Hummel! Bilder von – – mit begleitenden Gedichten. München: Müller.
Hummel, B. (2008). Lot 6612: Hummel, Berta: (1909 Messing – Kloster Sießen. Retrieved from on 26 August 2022.
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