Knowing your M.I. Hummel figurine resources can come in handy when you run across one you have not see before. Here are some that other people have found with some being one-of-a-kind, a few are Possible Future Editions (PFE) while others offer no explanation. I thought it would be fun to show some of what you might keep your eyes open for located on the Internet from time to time. Several include the asking price where this was provided along with the date found to give you some idea of the dollar range you might expect to see. This is just a sampling from the very many newer figurines you may run across upon your searching. They are listed in numerical order by their mold numbers for your convenience. The greater majority of the 2,000 Series of M.I. Hummel figurines are not created directly from Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel’s sketches but rather from the look and feel of those figurines that preceded keeping in mind the original idea behind the creation of the figurines.
There were many examples of figurines created as prototypes with various colorization and poses to present as samples to the sisters at the Sießen Convent with only a representative few being accepted. Some of these samples made their way as gifts to the workers and were considered by them as “trinkets” as I was told. You may find one of these if you keep your eyes open and books handy. The following figurines are some good examples of what to look that have recently become available. A few additional words, as a suggestion, you might wish to include in your routine search lists are: Arbeitsmuster, Archivmuster, Faience, Red Line, Progression Set, Masterpiece, Musterzimmer and Malmuster. See also the 46-page comprehensive numerical list of the M.I. Hummel figurines with links to this page of rare and unusual examples. Be sure to visit the What’s New web page to see what has been added to this site that you might have missed.
This page was updated on 22 August 2022.
HUM 2005 – ?
Possible Future Edition (PFE)
This may be a sample of a figurine of a little girl in a blue dress bottom, black top with white sleeves, brown socks and shoes holding what appears to be a birthday present in a tan box wrapped with a purple ribbon. She has pig tails with a blue ribbon. eBay shows that this figurine sold for $1,275 plus $60 shipping from Germany on 1 December 2019.
HUM 2056 – ?
Possible Future Edition (PFE)
Here is another, according to Heidi Ann Von Recklinghausen in The Official M.I. Hummel Price Guide, 2nd Edition and Robert Miller’s 9th Edition, where the figurines HUM 2054 through HUM 2057 are listed as Open Numbers (ON) and are not assigned as of 2013. This figurine appears dressed in a red clown suit with yellow dots, a matching hat, large white collar and light blue shoes with his right hand in his pants pocket. He has the attention of a small seated brown dog to his right. This figurine has the incised number 2056 along with the incised 1998 copyright date and the artist’ signature with a date of 5/98 in black ink. The price to purchase this unique figurine was $2,995 plus $34.95 shipping on eBay on October 6, 2020.
HUM 2100 – Picture Perfect
Height – 8¼
Modeled by master sculptor Helmut Fischer in 2000 with an incised 2000 copyright date along with the TMK-8 trademark and the “25th Anniversary” commemorative decal backstamp. It was initially sold in the U.S. market for an issue price of $3,495. Picture Perfect was the 25th Anniversary Club Commemorative figurine for the M.I. Hummel Club members only. Produced in a sequentially numbered worldwide limited edition of 2,500 pieces, it came with a wooden base and porcelain plaque. A few Artist Proofs were also made. A companion piece is HUM 2132 Camera Ready.
2003 Lucky’s Hummel Figurines & Plates, 12th Edition – $3,495
2006 The No. 1 Price Guide to M.I. Hummel Figurines… – $3,500 to $4,000
2013 The Official M.I. Hummel Price Guide 2nd Edition – $2,800 to $3,495
HUM 2107/B – Little Knitter
Factory Sample
Height – 4”
Here is a good example of a limited sample of a limited edition. There will only be 25,000 figurines of this model made in addition to this factory sample indicated with the X’s in place of where the sequential number of the 25,000 would be listed. This certain figurine would be a good example of one of the earliest if not the earliest example of this certain figurine.
I found this very nice painters sample on 31 December 2020 where the seller has it listed at a very reasonable eBay Buy It Now price of $74.95 plus $8.25 expedited shipping from Milpitas, California.
2003 Lucky’s Hummel Figurines & Plates, 12th Edition – $197
2006 The No. 1 Price Guide to M.I. Hummel Figurines… – $185
2013 The Official M.I. Hummel Price Guide 2nd Edition – $150 to $175
HUM 2109 – ?
Height – 4⅓”
This early example of what appears to be a waiter is carrying what looks like a stein of beer and a link of sausage on a wooden platter and he is dressed appropriately for that role with a grey jacket, orange bow tie and red shoes. He has a white napkin on his left arm, holding the food and drink aloft in his right hand. A metal Arbeitsmuster tag is attached with metal wire to his right leg with the words, “W. GOBEL ARBEITSMUSTER RÖDENTAL”. The base has an incised mold number 2109 along with the incised copyright year of 2000 and a blue decal for the TMK-8 trademark. This one is listed as a sample only and was not intended, in this appearance, to be issued on the market. The figurine is 4⅓ inches high (11 cm) and was available for purchase on eBay for $1,995 plus $60 shipping on October 18, 2020.
HUM 2112 D – Playtime Express

Possible Future Edition (PFE)
Here are two examples of possible samples presented before the Sießen Convent Sisters for their decision on what they liked and what they preferred of one over another. These two figurines with different colored clothing are a good sampling of what might be shown for the chosen prototype of the HUM 2112 – Playtime Express. These were located on the Eagles of War website with very little more information.
HUM 2118 – The Butcher
Possible Future Edition (PFE)
I wasn’t able to find out much on this certain item other than it is reported as being Hummel figurine number HUM 2118 Butcher and at the time was considered a Possible Future Edition (PFE). Both Robert Miller and Heidi Ann Von Recklinghausen report, in their price guides, that this was an Open Number (ON) in their latest books. As of October 2020, it is not available on the main website,, either. It had been reported as to being located on eBay but is no longer there. Keep a watch out for this one!
HUM 2130 – Nutcracker Sweet
Height – 6”
This figurine on the left has the trademark TMK-8 along with the incised model number 2130 and the copyright date of 2000. The normal figurine as shown on the right has been on the market since the Fall of 2001 with a nutcracker painted quite differently. Attached to the figurine is a sheet of paper, with the words written MODELL FALSCH which indicates this model is wrong, signed by the master painter by Goebel Frank Knoch in September 2000. Compare the wrong on on the left to the current issue on the right and you will notice that there are some immediate comparative differences. Some of the more noticeable items are the hat/crown, color of the pants, the plain vs decorative coat, red nose and the sleeve decorations. The size is 5.91 inches high (15 cm high). The seller had this one listed on eBay on 24 November 2020 with a Buy It Now offer of $2,997 plus $60 to ship it from Germany.
2003 Lucky’s Hummel Figurines & Plates, 12th Edition – $375
2006 The No. 1 Price Guide to M.I. Hummel Figurines… – $250
2013 The Official M.I. Hummel Price Guide 2nd Edition – $150 to $250
HUM 2139 – ?
Height – 3¾”
Possible Future Edition (PFE)
Listed as an Open Number (ON) in both the Miller and Von Recklinghausen catalogs, this certain figurine was located on the WorthPoint website with an Arbeitsmuster metal tag attached to the left leg having been sold on eBay for $3,999.95 on June 1, 2019. In order to gain approval from the Sießen Convent for production of a specific M.I. Hummel figurine mold number, finished samples are created with different shades of colors and postures to match Sister Hummel’s sketches as close as possible. It is said that, world wide, only between 3 – 5 are made but are never issued on the market. This cute figurine has the trademark TMK-8 and the HUM number 2139 with an copyright date from 2001. The size is 3¾ inches high (9.5 cm). A solid white over-glazed version sold for $2,024 on 31 May 2019. There is very little information on this figurine at this time.
HUM 2144 B – Chimney Sweep plaque
Possible Future Edition (PFE)
Similar to the wall plaques of HUM 827 – Daydreamer and HUM 828 – Over the Horizon, this plaque appears to be a standalone version which does not interlock with another as the two mentioned. It does, however have a similar block wall of the same color.
HUM 2149 – ?
Possible Future Edition (PFE)
Height – 3¼”
This one is listed as an Open Number (ON) in both Robert Miller’s and Heidi Ann Von Recklinghausen’s catalogs. It is listed on WorthPoint as an extremely rare floating “PFE” figurine “ANGEL”. This beautiful figurine does not have a Hummel number but in the second “Official Workbook” is listed this small figurine with the information HUM number 2149 which was not allowed by the convent. This figurine has the TMK-8 trademark and no copyright date. The master painter signature is Mb 4/01 indicating Michael Beinlich in April 2001. The size is 3¼ inch high (8 cm). This little angel is not only a PFE, it is also an early sample piece.
HUM 2157 – Full Speed Ahead
Height – 5”
The HUM 2157 figurine can be purchased with either a black or golden wood locomotive or a red wood fire truck. This certain figurine however, may be a prototype due to the fact that the locomotive is made from the same material as the rest of the figurine. The bottom of this figurine shows an incised model number 2157 and the copyright date of 2002 with a TMK-8 trademark. The normal figurine that is available on the market since 2003 comes with the wooden version of the toy. The size is 5.12 inches high (13 cm high). The seller on eBay has a Buy It Now offer of $4,998 plus $60 to ship it from Germany available on 24 November 2020.
HUM 2162 – Baker’s Delight
Height – 7”
Limited Edition to 5,000
This piece is not as rare as many of the others on this page but is certainly worth mentioning as it surely may become very popular due to the topic and the few in number produced. The suggested retail on this piece is put at $1,600 but may be found for less than one half that amount in mint condition. This specific one sold on eBay for only $325 on 3 May 2020.
2006 The No. 1 Price Guide to M.I. Hummel Figurines… – $1,200
2013 The Official M.I. Hummel Price Guide 2nd Edition – $950 to $1,200
HUM 2165 – Farm Days
Height – 7½”
Limited Edition to 5,000
The master sculptor for this complicated figurine was Helmut Fischer and is limited to only 5,000 creations. The detail of the four children feeding a calf with a baby bottle is sure to be topic of discussion wherever it is displayed, especially for those who grew up on a farm. This is a rather large figurine at 7½ inches tall by 9½ inches wide and 5 3/8 inches deep with a reasonable price, considering the work that went into it, at $1,200 retail. There was a relatively good price on eBay of $695 Buy It Now for one in mint condition listed on 8 December 2020.
2003 Lucky’s Hummel Figurines & Plates, 12th Edition – $1,200
2006 The No. 1 Price Guide to M.I. Hummel Figurines… – $1,200
2013 The Official M.I. Hummel Price Guide 2nd Edition – $1,000 to $1,200
HUM 2202 – ?
Possible Future Edition (PFE)
This little girl in the blue dress with white dots and red shoes appears to be holding a cake in her right hand and I’m not quite sure what she is looking at in her left hand. The Eagles of War web page indicates this is a Possible Future Edition (PFE) with a TMK-8 trademark. It apparently sold on eBay for $1,125 plus $60 shipping on October 6, 2019.
HUM 2250 – Learning to Share
Limited Editions of 100 and another of 3,000
This figurine composite is identified on the bottom with an inscribed number of 2250 and a copyright date of 2007 and has a number out of 3,000 with the TMK-8 trademark. This figurine stands approximately 7″ tall X 8″ long and features a big sister trying to teach her younger brother and sister how to share their new toy horse. The price for this one found on eBay has a Buy It Now of $714.99 and free shipping. The retail price is recorded as $1,200 for this one.
The second figurine has the same little girl in the apron with her little sister holding a puppet but does not have the little boy on the toy horse but rather, in its place is a small donkey, and a lamb with a butterfly sitting on its back, all behind a small fence. The two little girls are the same with the open book on the floor along with the red ball. This is inscribed with the same HUM number 2250, but a different copyright date of 2006 and has a number 1 out of 100 with the TMK-8 trademark. This one also stands approximately 7″ tall X 8″ long, has an eBay Buy It Now price of $37,999 and free shipping. A second one just like this one with a Limited Edition 31 of 100 had a much lower asking price of $2,895 with free shipping.
A third version, the HUM 2250/B – Teacher’s Helper, was recently located on the Eagles of War website listing it as a limited number of only 100 to be produced making this one rare as well.
This is the first offering I have seen where there are at least three different Limited Edition versions with the same HUM number. The difference in the Limited Edition total number produced certainly makes a huge difference in the asking price even though these two are very similar but different enough to ask a tremendous price increase. The first two were located on eBay on 23 November 2020 and the third on 8 December 2020.
HUM 2288 – Sister’s Children
Limited Edition of 300
Released in 2009 and measuring 12 inches by 17 inches by 11 inches, this very large figurine composition features seven of some of your favorite individual Hummels from the past all dancing around a flowering tree as HUM 228 – Sister’s Children. The Little Fiddler is playing his violin leading the way. Designed by master sculptor Marion Huschka, the set has a retail price of $6,750. It would be interesting to know how many long hours it took to create the mold, how many pieces it took to put this together and then the laborious painting the entire piece once it was put together. This truly is an amazing piece of artwork.
HUM 2300 – Bee My Friend
2015 M.I. Hummel Club Exclusive
Created in 2014 and released as the 2015 M.I. Hummel Club Exclusive Edition, HUM 2300 – Bee My Friend was introduced as a compliment to the previous years Club Exclusive HUM 2295 – Who Are You? created by master sculptor Helmut Fischer. You probably won’t find either of these offered on the secondary market very often for sale as they are beautiful as a set and they carry the theme of the bumblebee (hummel in German) which makes them ever the more special. This little figurine will surely earn its place on the rare figurines page shortly.
HUM 2310 – Precious Pony
Height – 4″
Created in 2009 by Marion Huschka, this cute little figurine is found with a Yellow Bee TMK-9 trademark and a second unique mark under the base with the words Exclusive Edition for “KÄTHE WOHLFAHRT”. The copyright date is from 2009. The RARE thing is that this figurine has not the normal color ONLY produced for Käthe Wohlfahrt. The little girl’s dress is dark blue instead of the typical green, the apron is white instead of a pale yellow and the socks are a bit orange instead of white. The little pony is also a darker brown while the typical one is lighter brown with white stocking feet. offers this new figurine for $235 and “depicts a little girl getting to know her pony as it nuzzles close under her chin. There is no stronger bond than a young child and their endearing animal friends.” This Hummel Figurine Precious Pony is the companion piece to HUM 2311 – Curious Colt.
This certain figurine shown above was offered on 21 September 2021 and was purchased the same day for the eBay Buy It Now price of $299 plus $60 shipping from Neutraubling, Germany.
HUM 2311 – Curious Colt
Height – 4″
Created in 2009 by Marion Huschka, this cute little figurine is found with a Yellow Bee TMK-9 trademark and a second unique mark under the base with the words Exclusive Edition for “KÄTHE WOHLFAHRT”. The copyright date is from 2009. The RARE thing is that this figurine has not the normal color ONLY produced for Käthe Wohlfahrt. The little boy’s shirt is the color red instead of the typical grey, pants are the color of dark brown instead of black and the hat is grey instead of being green. The little colt is a different color as well with it being a solid darker brown while the typical version has a lighter tan with white stocking feet. offers this new figurine for $235 and describes it as featuring “a charming young boy with his playful colt. The two are forming a special bond that surely won’t be broken.” This Hummel Figurine Curious Colt is the companion piece to HUM 2310 – Precious Pony. You may even find one or two figurines with a decal on the base that has, “2011 M.I. Hummel Club Convention, Disney’s Conventional Resort • Florida” where it was held that year.
This certain figurine was offered on 21 September 2021 and was purchased the same day for the eBay Buy It Now price of $299 plus $60 shipping from Neutraubling, Germany.
HUM 2344 – Bavarian Toast
Height – 6″
Created in 2011 by Marion Huschka as part of the Country Figurine collection, this unusually tall, at six inches, figurine for this mark was located on eBay with a Buy It Now price of $350 plus a shipping charge of $20.00 from Gresham, Oregon. website shows this figurine as being 5¼ inches tall and a new price of $350.00. The figurine is advertised as “It’s Oktoberfest, and this lad has a job to do – fetching lunch and a stein of beer for his parents, so they can enjoy a delicious bit of Bavarian good cheer, or Gemütlichkeit. He’s all dressed up in his traditional peaked hat and lederhosen, and his excited smile invites you to join the fun! This authentic M.I. Hummel figurine, a companion to Bavarian Cheer, is handcrafted in Rödental, Germany.”. The incised copyright date showing on the bottom is 2011.
Have fun collecting!
Eagles of War (2020). Eagles of War, M. I. Hummel Figurines Catalog / Reference Book. Retrieved from
Hummel Gifts (2020). M.I. Hummel Gifts, The Official Shop. Retrieved from
Luckey, C. F., & Genth, D. A. (2003). Luckey’s Hummel figurines & plates: Identification and price guide. Iola, Wis: Krause.
Miller, R. L. (2003). The no. 1 price guide to M.I. Hummel: Figurines, plates, more. 9th Edition. Cumberland, MD: Portfolio Press.
Miller, R. L., Ehrmann, E. W., & Pfeiffer, W. (1989). M.I. Hummel: The Golden Anniversary Album.
Recklinghausen, H. A. V. (2013). Official M. I. Hummel Price Guide, 2nd edition.
WorthPoint (2020). WorthPoint, Discover, Value, Store. Retrieved from