I was curious as to what figurines were represented as a music box and was quite surprised to see so many variations. I was able to locate several examples but there are certainly many more which could be added as the information provides. There are a great many different types with the less expensive versions having just a copy of one of the Hummel drawings in color attached to the top of the wooden box. The more expensive versions are introduced here as well. This page is just a sample of what you might find at any thrift store or even purchase directly from Hummel Gifts.
This page has been updated 14 June 2021.
Hummels as Music Boxes
The Hummel music boxes are typically either round or rectangular in shape and the more expensive versions are made of wood for the lower portion with a top showing a traditional Hummel figurine that rotates as the music plays. The number for the music box is the Hummel number for the piece on the box followed by a slash and then the letter “M”. If the figure is removed from the top, it will not have the “M” but will be marked in the traditional manner. Another such designation uses a prefix of IV before the HUM number as in the Joyful, HUM IV/53 shown below.
HUM IV/53 – Joyful
Limited Edition to 29,900 copies
Height – 5¾ inches
In 1996, a new music box was produced with model number IV/53 applied by decal on the bottom with TMK-7. New models may have a brown banjo. This is one of four in a series of music boxes produced for the European market only as of this date. The other three were HUM IV/57 Chick Girl, HUM IV/58 Playmates, and HUM IV/63 Singing Lesson. This item borrows the figurine HUM 53 Joyful to be placed on the lid and has a colorful lower section with what appears to be a musical scale of butterflies. Notice that the designation has a prefix of the Roman numeral IV to represent this is a music box. The bottom part, the music box, was manufactured by Ardleigh & Elliott. On the bottom is additional information which translates from German as follows: “Limited Edition: 29,900 examples. This music box is an authentic M.I. Hummel product, created by the artistic team of the W. Goebel porcelain factory according to the drawn originals of the Franciscan M.I. Hummel. Editing by Ardleigh Elliott. Object Number: 73051. Melody: “…”. Trademarked Goebel, Germany 1995. The actual German is: Limitierte Auflage: 29,900 Exemplare, “Gesangsprobe”. Diese Musikdose ist ein authentisches M.I. Hummel-Produkt, geschaffen vom Kunstlerteam der W. Goebel Porzellanfabrik nach den gezeichneten Vorlagen der Franziskanerin M.I. Hummel. Herausgeeben von Ardleigh Elliott. Objekt-Nr.: 73051. Melodie: “…”. Trademarked Goebel, Germany 1996.
HUM IV/57 – Chick Girl
Limited Edition to 29,900 copies
Height – 6 inches In 1996, a new music box was produced with model number HUM IV/57 applied by decal on the bottom with TMK-7. This is one of four in a series of music boxes produced for the European market only as of this date. The other three were HUM IV/53 Joyful, HUM IV/58 Playmates, and HUM IV/63 Singing Lesson. This item borrows the figurine HUM 57 Chick Girl to be placed on the lid and has a colorful reflection of two small chicks running through the grass. Notice that the designation has a prefix of the Roman numeral IV to represent this is a music box. The bottom part, the music box, was manufactured by Ardleigh & Elliott. On the bottom is some information which translates from German as follows: Limited edition: 29,900 copies, “Chick mother”. This music box is an authentic M.I. Hummel product, created by the artistic team of the W. Goebel porcelain factory according to the drawn originals of the Franciscan M.I. Bumblebee. Editing by Ardleigh Elliott. Objekt-Nr .: 73054. Melody: “Rejoice in Life”. The actual German is: Limitierte Auflage: 29,900 Exemplare, “Kükenmütterchen”. Diese Musikdose ist ein authentisches M.I. Hummel-Produkt, geschaffen vom Kunstlerteam der W. Goebel Porzellanfabrik nach den gezeichneten Vorlagen der Franziskanerin M.I. Hummel. Herausgeeben von Ardleigh Elliott. Objekt-Nr.: 73054. Melodie: “Freut euch des Lebens”. Trademarked Goebel, Germany 1996.
HUM IV/58 – Playmates
Limited Edition to 29,900 copies
Height – 6½ inches
In 1996, a new music box was produced with model number HUM IV/58 applied by decal on the bottom with TMK-7. This is one of four in a series of music boxes produced for the European market only as of this date. The other three were HUM IV/53 Joyful, HUM IV/57 Chick Girl, and HUM IV/63 Singing Lesson. This item borrows the figurine HUM 58 Playmates to be placed on the lid and has a colorful reflection of a rabbit in grass and a blue flower. Notice that the designation has a prefix of the Roman numeral IV to represent this is a music box. The bottom part, the music box, was manufactured by Ardleigh & Elliott. On the bottom is some information which translates from German as follows: Limited edition: 29,900 copies, “Hasenvater”. This music box is an authentic M.I. Hummel product, created by the artistic team of the W. Goebel porcelain factory according to the drawn originals of the Franciscan M.I. Bumblebee. Editing by Ardleigh Elliott. Objekt-Nr .: 73053. Melody: “That’s only once”. The actual German is: Limitierte Auflage: 29,900 Exemplare, “Hasenvater”. Diese Musikdose ist ein authentisches M.I. Hummel-Produkt, geschaffen vom Kunstlerteam der W. Goebel Porzellanfabrik nach den gezeichneten Vorlagen der Franziskanerin M.I. Hummel. Herausgeeben von Ardleigh Elliott. Objekt-Nr.: 73053. Melodie: “Das gibt’s nur einmal”. Trademarked Goebel, Germany 1996.
HUM IV/63 – Singing Lesson
Limited Edition to 29,900 copies
Height – 4¾ inches In 1996, a new music box was produced with model number HUM IV/63 applied by decal on the bottom with TMK-7. This is one of four in a series of music boxes produced for the European market only as of this date. The other three were HUM IV/53 Joyful, HUM IV/57 Chick Girl, and HUM IV/58 Playmates. This item borrows the figurine HUM 63 Singing Lesson to be placed on the lid and has a colorful lower section with what appears to be a musical scale with butterflies. Notice that the designation has a prefix of the Roman numeral IV to represent this is a music box. The bottom part, the music box, was manufactured by Ardleigh & Elliott. On the bottom is some information which translates from German as follows: Limited Edition: 29,900 examples. This music box is an authentic M.I. Hummel product, created by the artistic team of the W. Goebel porcelain factory according to the drawn originals of the Franciscan M.I. Hummel. Editing by Ardleigh Elliott. Object Number: 73052. Melody: “The tones are toning”. Trademarked Goebel, Germany 1995. The actual German is: Limitierte Auflage: 29,900 Exemplare, “Gesangsprobe”. Diese Musikdose ist ein authentisches M.I. Hummel-Produkt, geschaffen vom Kunstlerteam der W. Goebel Porzellanfabrik nach den gezeichneten Vorlagen der Franziskanerin M.I. Hummel. Herausgeeben von Ardleigh Elliott. Objekt-Nr.: 73052. Melodie: “Es tonen die Lieder”. Trademarked Goebel, Germany 1996.
HUM 388/M – Little Band (with candle)
This is the same piece as HUM 388 but is mounted on a wooden base with a music box movement inside. When it plays, the Little Band figure rotates. This combination consists of HUM 388 candle holder mounted as a cover on a wooden box purchased from another source. A variety of tunes have been reported as being issued, but no particular song is known to command a premium to date. The 1968 copyright date is incised on the base on this item as it was on the regular HUM 388 Little Band, Candle holder. The three figures, either individually or collectively, have not been identified in Sister Hummel’s drawings and the graphics published from them. Some individual drawings of children with musical instruments bear a resemblance to these three. Be forewarned that there are a great number of M.I. Hummel fakes made in China, Japan and other countries other than Germany.
HUM 392/M – Little Band
This is the same piece as HUM 392 but is placed atop a base with a music box movement inside. When it plays, the piece revolves. The difference between this music box and HUM 338/M is the absence of a candle socket in this model. Notice on the image that there is no socket for the candle in this music box. The other statements that apply to HUM 388/M are applicable here. The German name of Kindergruppe auf Musikuerk translates as “Group of Children on Music Box.” The original drawings of these children have not been located and no graphics by either Ars Sacra or Emil Fink have been found.
HUM IV/608 – Blossom Time
In 1999, a new music box was produced with model number IV/608 in a Limited Edition (LE) of only 500 pieces and sold exclusively through The Hummel Museum and Art Gallery in New Braunfels, Texas. Melody played “Edelweiss.” The original issue price was $250 in 1999. It has a TMK-7 trademark and an incised 1999 copyright date. There is a decal on the bottom with the following text: “HUM IV/608, Special Worldwide Edition, “Blossom Time”. This music box is an authentic M.I. Hummel product designed by artists from the W. Goebel Porzellanfabrik and taken from authentic artwork of Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel. Exclusively produced in a special edition of 500 pieces for the Hummel Museum. The Hummel Museum & Art Gallery, New Braunfels, Texas. Melody: “Edelweiss”. Goebel, Germany, 1999.”
Four Seasons Music Boxes

Each music box is accompanied by a sequentially numbered ceramic medallion made by Goebel. Announced in late 1986, this is the first officially authorized hand-carved wooden M.I. Hummel design. In a cooperative effort with Goebel, the Anri workshops in Italy has rendered the wooden box while Reuge has created the musical apparatus for these four beautiful examples representing the four seasons. A gold plated 36-note Swiss movement by Reuge plays one of the many tunes which may include “Raindrops keep falling on my head”, theme song from “Dr. Zhivago”, “The Blue Danube” or “Winter Wonderland”. Master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek and master painter Gunther Neubauer traveled to Italy to work with the Anri craftsmen who did the wood carving. Control of the movement is accomplished with the switch on the side of the box and will play to its conclusion whether the box is open or not. Each piece carries the M.I. Hummel signature carved in wood on the top. These four do not have a HUM designation that I am aware of but are listed as an example, “1987 Ride into Christmas.”
Ride into Christmas was introduced as the 1987 Winter seasonal version with the Hummel drawing in relief on top of a music box that plays “Winter Wonderland”. This was the first edition in a series of four and was limited to 10,000 worldwide. The release price was $389.95.

Chick Girl was the second in the seasonal offerings introduced in 1988 with the music box motif of the Hummel drawing and was released at a price of $400.00.
In Tune was the third in the series released in 1989 with the initial price of $425.00 and can be seen in this closeup. The accompanying image shows one of the music boxes open with the Goebel plaque with the gold plated brass instrument that makes the tune for the music box. The name of the tune is on a paper sticker located on the bottom of the box.
Umbrella Girl became the fourth in the Four Seasons music box series. Introduced in 1990, this was the final music box hand crafted by Anri for W. Goebel Porzellangabrik and is a fine example of the blend of the finest craftsmanship of both companies.
1987 Ride Into Christmas $800-1,000 Limited to 10,000, original price $390.
1988 Chick Girl $600-750 Limited to 10,000, original price $400.
1989 In Tune $600-750 Limited to 10,000, original price $425.
1990 Umbrella Girl $800-1,000 Limited to 10,000, original price $450.
HUM ? – Sing Along
Interestingly, a fifth music box similar to the four above, but without any current available information, showed up for auction on eBay with the relief picture of “Sing Along”. The HUM 433 – Sing Along figurine based on the artist rendering by Sister Hummel was created by master sculptor Gerhard Skrobek in 1987 to match the HUM 708 – Sing Along bell. This, possibly unique, music box sold for $1,125 on 26 November 2017.
Music Boxes as Hummelscapes
The Hummelscapes add another dimension to the individual figurines by offering a type of supporting landscape with the basic theme for which the corresponding figurines can be placed. A few of these Hummelscapes offer an interactive option in either a working clock or in this case a tune to listen as a means of carrying you off into the land of the little Hummels themselves. Here are few that I have discovered.
HUM 1017-D –Christmas Wish
Musikfest Collection Limited Edition This music box has a place for the figurine HUM 2094 Christmas Wish standing in front of a decorated fireplace with a fire screen showing a modified bumblebee. A chrome key in the back of the setting allows for winding the music box located inside and has four Phillips screws for easy access if needed. This is shown with the HUM 2106 Christmas Time Exclusive Edition figurine. It is copyrighted in the year 1999 and made in China.
HUM 1038-D – Musikfest Christmas Time
Musikfest Collection Limited Edition
Height – Approximately 5½“ This certain music box, as illustrated, plays “Joy to the World”. Not much else is known about it other than you can tell from the HUM number that it is a fairly recent creation. A chrome key in the back of the setting allows for winding the music box located inside and has four Phillips screws for easy access if needed. This is shown with the HUM 2106 Christmas Time Exclusive Edition figurine. It is copyrighted in the year 2000 and made in China.
HUM 1086-D – Blooming Delights
Musikfest Collection Limited Edition The front of this music scape poses as a floral shop and has a place for two small figurines next to flower pots full of orange and yellow flowers along with an orange scooter. Two red stained glass windows are prevalent on this Hummelscape with a platform on the back to hold a third Hummel. A chrome key in the back of the setting allows for winding the music box located inside and has three Phillips screws for easy access if needed. This music box shows two small Special Edition figurines; 21074/A and 21074/B. It is copyrighted in the year 2003 and made in China.
eBay. (2019). Hummel Music Box. Retrieved on 6 May 2019 from https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR5.TRC1.A0.H0.XHummel+music+box.TRS0&_nkw=Hummel+music+box&_sacat=0.
Hotchkiss, J. F., & Cassidy, C. (1981). Hummel art II. Des Moines, Iowa: Wallace-Homestead.
Luckey, C. F. (1997). Luckey’s Hummel figurines & plates: Identification and value guide. Iola, WI: Krause Publications.
Miller, R. L. (2003). The no. 1 price guide to M.I. Hummel: Figurines, plates, more. Cumberland, MD: Portfolio Press.
Miller, R. L., Ehrmann, E. W., & Pfeiffer, W. (1989). M.I. Hummel: The golden anniversary album. New York, N.Y.: Portfolio Press.