M. I. HummelA very talented woman making the world a better place through her artistic interpretation of children and the church she loved.
Non-Hummel Goebels
There are many different categories of items the Goebel company had created and quite often people become confused with the idea that if it is made by Goebel that it must be a Hummel. Although the M.I Hummel figurines are an important part of the success the Goebel company has enjoyed, these are only one of many different brands created over the years. The following are the marks you may find incised on similar items made by the company but are not Hummels. Some of the confusion may be a result of the same trademarks are used on these items as you will find also on all Hummels. Only M.I. Hummels have the incised or stamped signature located on the item.
Click on the area of interest for more details and a few examples. If you are serious about collecting Goebel items, be sure to pick up a copy of the M.I. Hummel Collector’s Handbook, Part I and Part II by Wolfgang Schwatlo.
EWK – Angel with base and candle HA – Tombstone figurines (Christ, angels, Madonna)
HE – Holy Angel (Kissing Angel, HE 51 A, TMK-6)
HF – Holy figurines and groups
HG – Holy miscellaneous items
HJ – Holy Jesus figurines
HK – Holy Communion
HM – Holy Maria or Madonna (Praying Madonna, HM 60, TMK-2) HN – Holy knick-knacks
HP – Holy Protestant figurines and wall plaques
HS – Holy guardian angels
HW – Holy water fonts
MEL – Hummel like items
BYJ – Charlot BYJ DIS – Walt Disney (“Tinkerbell”, DIS 188, TMK-4)
HA – Eva Harta
HOL – Ruth Holzapfel
KAU – Rolf Kauka
KRU – Käthe Kruse
NA – Nasha
ROCK – Norman Rockwell (“Buttercup”, Rock 214, TMK-4)
ROB – Janet Robson
SPO – Maria Spötl
SCH – Heinz Schaubach
Michel Thomas
STAE – Albert Staehle
TRI – W. Trier