
        There needed to be a page for “everything else”. This is where you can find items you didn’t know existed or didn’t fit into any other category on this website. Here are some interesting examples to watch for.

This page was updated on 28 July 2021.

Nativity Crip King Balthasar

      This figurine is definitely different than what you would expect to see from Goebel. It was defined on eBay as “# A012908_04 Archiv Muster Hummel Goebel Krippe Crip König Balthasar aus Holz”. I found it by looking for “rare Hummel” and was not expecting to see this, hand carved from wood as an Archivmuster version of one of the nativity set.

     It was defined as a rare Goebel figure, possibly a single piece or even a prototype known as “Crib”, King Balthazar made of wood from the three holy kings, hand carved, 1st Choice, approximately 10½ cm high. The condition: well preserved, not damaged, not repaired. Rare collector’s item straight from the source.” The price on the 28th of July 2021 was asking $103.02 plus a shipping charge of $57.94 from Coburg, Germany.
